Objectives & Activities

The objectives of the Airline Catering Association are :

  • to represent, promote, and defend the common interests of its members in particular, and of the airline catering industry in general.
  • To monitor relevant regulatory initiatives and inform its members about those.

ACA may develop or carry out, alone or in collaboration with third parties all activities related to the realization of those objectives, including:

  • Addressing legislative and regulatory issues concerning the airline catering industry
  • Identifying, studying and solving problems of public interest connected with the airlines catering industry, such as the protection of the environment, health and safety
  • Representing and promoting its members at, as well as collaborating with, the appropriate national and international organisations, institutions, agencies, groups and industries as it sees fit
  • Developing common positions that befit its members’ interests
  • Participating in and organising relevant events
  • Organising and directing committees or working groups
  • Publishing or financing studies, articles and reports as deemed necessary, as well as using any relevant media
  • Keeping the members informed about policy and legislative developments, actual or potentially relevant

The Airline Catering Association may engage in any activities aiming at attaining the objectives mentioned above, including the provision of services to its members. It cannot however, carry out activities with a profit motive or activities aiming at restricting or distorting competition.

ACA Governance

Strategic Committee

Jonathan Stent-Torriani
CEO and Owner

Robin Padgett
Division Senior Vice President
dnata Catering

Christoph Schmitz

Michiel van der Eijk

Michiel van der Eijk
Managing Director

Board of directors


Anne-Laure Perrin (Chair)
Global Head of Operations & Continuous Improvement, dnata Catering and Retail

Pawel Litkiewicz

Pawel Litkiewicz
CEO Ferier

Anne-Marie Kolk
Director of Operations


Simon Frischemeier
Head of Operational Excellence and Sustainability

Angela Marbach

Angela Petzold
Chief Legal Officer


Corrina Sheets
Senior Vice President
Sky Café


Fabio Gamba
Managing Director

Mercedes Dieguez
Head of Marketing & Communication